Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Lovely Lace.

8.O1 pm - Golly, what a day it has been : ) It's already more than a week into the new year and the days are anxious heartbeats. I've started working since a few days ago at my aunt's bridal shop. But i mostly deal with photo/video editing, photo album compilation, etc--not exactly what you might have had in mind since it's a bridal shop. But that's part of the package anyway.

*Gosh I'm so hating this sticky-keys-keyboard!* Anyway it's been good so far. Of course I'm not that hyped about having my a** glued to the chair all day and staring into the monitor for hours. But it's bearable for a month i guess. Besides I get to learn quite a lot from the whole experience. Oh, and what's a bridal shop without bridal dresses?? That's one of the things that keeps me alive working there--I'm surrounded by gorgeous wonderiffic dresses!

Every now and then when I get up to get the blood going again in my legs I'll start inspecting each one of the dresses. Sparkling beads, sensuous silk, satin and glazing velvet (!), sexy lace (damn, all my beloved fabrics!) and skilled motifs--the blood of inspiration just rushes through my veins *sigh* : )

I wish I could spill more but I'm running out of time (I'm at a cyber cafe btw). The upcoming posts will probably be writings mostly. No purpose really but to vent out and express, express!


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