Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Huzza Huzza

Happy New Year 2OO8 !

Hello peeps! Hope y'all had a good end for the year 2OO7 : )

Life throws challenges at the very things you strive to change or attain

Sometimes we get caught up at 'arriving' we forget the 'journey'

Heartache and tears? Sure.
But nothing beats the light when you've known darkness

And with all the things we strive to attain, some things we may never know its worth 'till you've nothing left but to contemplate the hollowness that surrounds you

But really, let's not wait 'till ends wit to realize the true jewels in your life (!)

We could all do with a little whimsy and spontaneity in our life.... : )

Here's a final curtain for the year 2OO7...enjoy!
xOxOxOxO Dedicated to my beloveds xOxOxOxO

c h e e r S !

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