Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back To School.


It's been a week since I've been meaning to post an update. I finally get the time. Well classes have begun and this sem it's gonna be all about 3D! (like 90%?) Yeah. Anyway. I'm soo excited and scared at the same time! I'm still unwrapping this subject layer by layer and hopefully I'll love it even more as I learn more and more about it...YOSH! 
It seems so many things have been going on lately. Or I'm just squeezing in too many things into my schedule... Hmm. Well I'm glad for one that I managed to have a mini-holiday with my bestie Virgillia a.k.a Bow a.k.a Vivi a.k.a Banana.... Heee : ) Bow spent two days over and we had a blast! We haven't been able to catch up since we were back at KK but those two days made up for it.... Hee-hee. We did all the usual (girly) stuff.... marathons... :D Well we go way beyond those stuff (especially when we've known each other since we were 7!). Anyways here are some shots (through my broken little camera) of those few days. Ho~Hum : )

Oh, please feel free to drop by my deviantART page too. I've only posted a few works so far though.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3D!! i love it. hope i can see some 3D works made by you. all the best.

Your Shot Daily Dozen