Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cest la Vie!

WarNiNg: Emo-ness! Philosophical! Patriotic! (erm...) Tired!

A quicky post before i retire for the night
I am so loving my nails right now btw : )

(left nails)(right nails)


Today was fun! fun! FUN!
Met Lulu just on my way to the bus ; ) Then met Mayzy and Chewy at Midvalley (Yippie!) Love you guys : )
Ha-ha. What can i say... : )
Anyways it was also great to meet up with my college mates again yesterday.

Deep convos. bridging hearts. smiles. laughter. reunion. : )
Oh, the humanity!
Hee hee~

Change happens whether you want them to or not
Some changes have to happen
Well since some changes are unwanted but unavoidable,
I decided to make the changes I wanted and could.
If it's for the better, why not?
: )


A page from a book of inspiration--

From time to time,
we all feel a little disappointed
with our lives and perhaps the people in them.
We start questioning our daily routines;
a sense of loneliness touches our hearts,
and we wonder what life is really all about.
When you reach this point in your life,
take a moment and forget about
what has gone before...
and start believing in
what you really want today.
It is by redirecting our lives that we can keep
ourselves headed in the right direction,
and it is by standing still that
we allow time to just pass us by.
It is looking at a sunrise or a sunset
and appreciating its beauty for ourselves
that enables us to understand
some of life's mysteries.
No two people see the world the same way,
nor do they think or feel
or even experience things around them
with the same exact perception.
Don't try to mold yourself or your life
into a design that isn't you;
rather, paint the days
with all the colors you so desire
and enjoy the artwork that you alone
can create.

C h e e r S !

to be continued...

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