Tuesday, May 15, 2007

At ends will
There are new bounds created.
I strive for the last belief
That i can cope with.

I watch people stare at other people and wonder what goes through their minds.

Sometimes i feel reckless; i feel ungroomed;
i feel less than perfect (not perfect to begin with);
my hair a mess; my complexion bare; and my scents naked;
my being is less proper;
i feel the breeze run through my hair;
touch the dirt with reckless abandon;
embrace care freeness;
and i love it.

Some people like it straightforward. It ain't always about how you like it. but how you get it. i begin with why my amazement never ceases to last. for possibilities as the word itself suggests, can be a predictable unpredictability. one might not understand. when one does maybe because of similar events that a line of words seem to find relevance or meaning. there was a reason for such accounts to take place, to define you as who you are today. it ain't perfect. but you have a choice. the days when you didn't, look again, there's a chance as well. it's up to you. are you conscious of such things? it's unexpected of all mankind to grasp such a mutual understanding of things. then again, it falls under reason. for the wheel of life does go on. it's mad. it's sickening. it's beautiful. it's insane. it's everything it's turned out to be. it's everything it shouldn't be. or could be better. it's for oneself. but we don't make it alone in this world.

1 comment:

Todd said...


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