Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sincerely Me.

Thank You

My deepest and heartfelt THANK YOU to the people i cherish in my life.
The people who have always been there for me;
The people i just recently got to know;
The people who have walked in and out of my life;
The people who have left footprints in my heart;
The people who have turned around one last time;
The people who've not given up;
The people who have touched my life;
The people whom i've only crossed paths with once but have left behind an unforgetable piece;
The people close by to me;
The people far from me yet close in heart;
The people who used to be there;
The people i see and interact with everyday;
The people who have been my teachers, family & friends;
Strangers, colleagues, classmates, lovers;
G o D
t h a n k y o u

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