Saturday, April 28, 2007


Time: 9.33 pm
Listening to: So Hard -Ciara

Feeling: =) + annoyed + @_@ (all at once?!?)

April is closing in.
That cooling breeze last night still lingers.
Green tea to awaken senses.
Slumbered up with a nice book.
Babe, that song is so nostalgic.
I am so grateful to even have you in my life =)
Yes, you. And you, and you too.
You were erased just like that? Never.
Anger kept turns bitter.
Far from it would i have it in such a state.
Let by gones be by gones.
Damned if you do? damned if you don't?
There was a reason for it all.
Luu, sayang banget sama lu.
Siso Va, dreams are still awaiting to be carved out of untouchable clouds.
Bow, Bali awaits,no?! *kachings*
Hey, there's no harm in taking a chance....
Babe..... =]
Sisters! *solute*
That moment....that moment!
Now playing: Letting Go -Brooke Hogan
Daddy.....strum me that song again....
Maybe i did fall from a shooting star....?

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