Monday, August 13, 2007

Making Sense!

A collection of moments,
Seedlings of memoirs,
I embrace the illusion of time
As I sip a cup of herbal tea.
Pondering over the state of my life;
Tea for every season
Rich and beautiful friendships
Self-treats of candies and blissful showers
Capturing the colors in everyday
Owning the beauty as well as the scars
Materializing dreams
And forever painting the canvas of life.


I just gobbled down a cup of strawberry yogurt. The guilt is setting in.
I'm feeling so sleepy.

Classes felt so swift today considering the afternoon class was canceled. Reaching home early felt good. But after attempting to hit some work and failing i gave in to my nap. After my nap however i was still unable to focus on anything that needed my attention. Tried reading my novel. Tried drawing. Tried to work on an assignment. Read the bible.
Finally decided to clear out my in-box that's accumulated with over 600 emails. Slowly i went through my mail. Thank goodness for the night swim with me house mates! Down at the pool it was a different story. But i was having fun...not to mention i needed to clear my head of whatever fuzzes that's been causing the distraction of the mind. Ho-ho. Funny...*ponders back*
Oh, and i had a pleasant surprise for dinner! A long time friend whom i haven't seen in ages came by to join us for supper :D Ha-ha. Seriously it's been a while... : )

Last Saturday as well i had a surprise visit from Vivi & Dudu. Golly.
Gave a little tour around the place that i call home-for-now, got us some popsicles, chilled by the Putrajaya bridge, and shared some spook stories for the ride back.


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