Sunday, June 03, 2007


Footsteps outside my door
In a far-fetched imagination, it is fear
But for some it is real

Broken records holding you on
Or maybe it's the other way round
But the summer breeze just breaths memories
A childhood never forgot;

A broken rainbow stained in the sky
The taste of salt in the breeze
Old school music
Back in the days when matrimony meant forever
When God watches at night with a hundred billion eyes
When the blackout candles entitled you to one wish
The emptiness when the party's over
The evening adventures
New year's bond fires
Talks of love at a tender age of 9
The day fairy tales only belonged in movies or story books
When you walk against the wind with an umbrella,
In hopes it will blow you away to another world (Do not try this at home)
Catching falling leaves
The worth of 50cents back then
When raws with little brothers could turn vicious
When dreams were so beautiful you could hardly wait to grow up
And then reality hits

You are now where you used to look from a far;
Tomorrow has become your todays.

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