Saturday, April 07, 2007

C h a n g e

Here's to a n e w chapter in life...

The mind thinks
That any change
Is painful.
The heart feels
That any change

Is powerful.

I'm through;

I am grateful for so much...

I owe no apology;

For staying would have questioned my own self-respect;

I'm walking away;

With the scars & hurts;

Only makes me stronger;

As i turn them into lessons...

It's time to turn the page...


Colours. Love. Smiles. Strength. Faith. Hurts. Tears. Lessons. Challenges. Life may not know it, but each person that you have met may have added a piece more to your being..

...betrayal hurts but after all is said and done, you can only look forward...
...there is someone much better (way better!) out there you have yet to cross paths with...
besides, look back not as scars but lessons that have made you stronger & wiser
..a heart that is open to forgiveness;
a will that is determined to change for the better.. =]

...adorable angels...
. really think so?

C h e e r s!
*Hearts* to each soul that have crossed my path...and left behind footprints that can never be washed away by the waves...

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