Sunday, October 15, 2006

October Baby!

Woohooo...!! I can't believe it's been months...i'm not an avid blogger i admit... unlike some of my friends whom i enjoy the pleasure of reading their day-to-day rants just for the laughs but seriously they're damn cool... (hails*)
Well anyway
life; amazing. Love-it. The tears and heart-ache? they come with the laughters and smiles...but it's not that bad if you learn to appreciate the little things in everyday
I was on my way out from my block to help with a friend's shooting assignment when this oh-so adorable cat meow-ed at me and just trailed behind me all the way outta da building. I attempted to take a snap of it and well i did get oNe good one

Hee hee~
I didn't realize however when i was in the midst of snapping this kitty there was a guy standing up front who didn't move a muscle at all--he was just static. Then when i did look at him he was still like that -_-" After a few seconds he smiled and said 'Heh, nice cat.'
I just smiled and nodded. Then he said 'Oh, you like cats.' I managed to let out a small 'Yea' and a weak smile as i was turning away. Then the cat followed behind me and he said 'Oh, it's following you!'
I had such a fake smile...the vibes was just not going right...
Then i realized the cat wasn't the only thing following me was he...
I sped up just in time to hear his last words. 'Cat..heh.'
Then i just walked without looking back.

**The shooting was funny. I was so lame -_-". It was so hOt. i was getting bored.

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