Sunday, May 07, 2006


"..say ma' name say ma' name, when no one is around u, say baby i love u, if u ain't runnin' games,
say ma' name say ma' name, u actin' kindda shaddy, ain't callin' me baby, why da' sudden

just awoke.. been waitin'.. been takin' in all da crap dats been left at ma front door.. breezes.. hang ups.. the hand.. oh please *rolls eyes* i between hours of waiting..where..what...will u.. would u... that's it...i'm just pissed at this immobility.. did u know? ..just drownin' in da words.. the melody.. but the sky's not blue.. where did my sky go? ..she left.. she gave up.. he's runnin away..maybe he calls it movin' on... but there was nuthin really put on the table in da first place.. guesses...assumptions.. well, they've all bailed anyway... at a distance just enough to watch this falter... trippin' into a black hole...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Slipping Away...

I'm still watching from a distance
There u go
Out of site
It's always been about that
I don't wanna assume anymore
But then again, i can't help it
When u turn away
U always leave something behind
It's weird sometimes
One moment you're there
and so am i
Another, it's all gone
It never was
But then at times
It jumps back to where we might have left it
Whatever it is or was
We jumped there
But we held anger towards each other
Felt in moments
Understood silence

Belle Sparkle is No More


i could have opened a mini pet zoo when i was young
But part of my pet keeping was to learn responsibility
They'd have hated me then
But i've learned my lesson
And my love for animals is still unshattered
Now i can't even care for a plant
Water can give life or take it away
In this matter
'twas metaphorical, too much of a good thing can be bad
I'm sorry Belle Sparkle
May you rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Once Upon A Friend

Still struggling inside?
U know it's not worth it
But u can't help it
The friend that u thought u knew all along
Is now unlike anything u'd ever imagine before
You shared so many
The laughter, tears, pain and joy, a window, the secrets...
All through time that felt like one big still moment
You thought it could stay that way forever
Because t'was such a beautiful part of your life
So real so real
You were there for each other
Through tyring times
You grew up together
You knew there were flaws but it didn't matter
Because you believed
And isn't that what love's all about?
Regardless of the human imperfections
The soul stays true...
But all that has changed now

You can't even look at me without forcing a smile
Seems you'd rather not look at all
And from behind
I feel your laughter echoing to my spine
You look at me from sideways now
Not at me
No more
Just understood silence
With unanswered questions hanging by the tips of it
That is how it feels now in your presence
Not a single care in your eyes

You wonder how once long ago
This existence was a warm bright flame
That lighted the corners of your life
What was then is but a cold unforgiving winter
You wish yourself far from this pitiful feeling
But how can you deny one's existence
Who is but on the same ground as you
Look back look back
And never return
Only the forgiving heart is open

"..i ranted this stuff out after i had a talk with a dear friend who was sorta in a friendship crisis..the words just came.."


She would not admit defeat
Not when there was still hope
She would not let herself down
Or leave herself behind
Because she knows
It is but she that will be left
When the whole world bails
She will not leave to ruins
All the hope she so believed in
The dreams carved out of untouchable clouds
Maybe it's not for he
But it's who she is

Your Shot Daily Dozen